
Future of Potatoes

Will growing potatoes still be an important crop of the future?

Yes definitely. The potato is the UK’s most popular vegetable by a considerable margin and while there may be some demographic challenges to overcome if it is to retain this position it is eaten for enjoyment more than any other vegetable.


The UK is geared very well for potato production with a professional network of growers, seed producers and processors who can meet exacting market demands; so there is every reason to believe that the potato will remain a regular feature of the farming landscape.


There are of course challenges to consider. It would be remiss not to recognise the significance these will have on grower attitudes: the rising cost of labour, energy and inputs.


There are other reasons to be optimistic. Our processors are amongst the most efficient and innovative of any in the developed world. This should be seen as a commitment to the sector and a sign of confidence in the future.


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